Join our Group of Centenarians

The three basic desires of humanity are Money, Love, and Health.

The interesting dilemma is that the lack there of these desires is the set of limitations you have set through your perspective.

You are creating your own problems.  You are not doing it on purpose, but you are doing it.

There is an answer, and it lies in the flow of energy that courses through the universe, and you as the being. 

The quantum realm has a code and your body gives clues in your reality.  These disruptions of energy flow are discovered through a process called aerobic respiration.

Aerobic respiration is how we take in oxygen and convert it to carbon dioxide.

If this process is disrupted, energy becomes stagnate manifesting as disease though oxidative damage to the cell or through painful life experiences. 

It is not trauma and life is not hard. These pains, fears, and challenges are gifts in strange wrapping paper as love from the universe directing you back on the righteous spiritual path.

You are a light being manifested into physical matter with 30 million trilli-volts of electricity flowing through your body.

You can heal your body and your life.

The road map lies in addressing the 7 basics: Water, Food, Rest, Exercise, Mind, Environment, and Posture.

There is something you are doing to create the Health Challenges and Life Struggle.

Whether it be the EMFs, Food, Water, Lighting, Toxic Personal Care and Cleaning Products, your Posture, or the Way you Think, it boils down to fixing Aerobic Respiration. 

Fix this… and you fix the restricted flow of electron energy leading to the expression of illness and life’s challenges.

Discover the enzymatic processes disrupted, regain health, and become the enlightened master.

Remember, genes are the guns, but the environment pulls the trigger.




Pro Metabolic Diet

Optimize Health

Optimize Cellular Function




Body Adjustment



Subconscious Mind Reprogramming



Macro Tracking and Supplements



Blood Work Analysis with Recommendations and Subconscious Mind Reprogramming



1 Full day to set the game plan of action

Genetic Test – maps methylation  pathways to determine where the issue of energy flow could be coming from

Expanded blood work to confirm the genes expression

Supplement regimen

Excel sheet with macros based on your genetics

Spine correction to local or those willing to travel

Assessment of EMF lighting household products and personal care products

One session of subconscious mind reprogramming



Environment Assessment, Review, and Recommendation:


– Dirty Electricity

– Water Quality

– Air Quality

– Cookware

– Food Storage

– Lighting

– Personal Care Products

– Cleaning Products

– Furniture

– Clothing

– Building Materials



*Labs and Supplements included*

1 Full day to set the game plan of action

7 follow up visits of an hour to continue with metaphysical epigenetic transformation

Genetic Test – maps methylation  pathways to determine where the issue of energy flow could be coming from

Expanded blood work to confirm the genes expression

Supplement regimen

Excel sheet with macros based on your genetics

Spine correction to local or those willing to travel

Assessment of EMF lighting household products and personal care products