Personal Training and Weight Loss programs are individualized to the person

There is not a one size fits all approach.  People have different ailments that must be worked around and different genetics.  For example, one person may use carbohydrates better for fuel and another uses fat better.  Dr Spencer looks at the whole person and provides results by using research from genetic tests and from current research from exercise physiologists.  Every step of the process is monitored and requires the individual to check in on a weekly basis to see what variables of the program need to change.  Your body is constantly changing so your exercise and nutrition need to change too.  If your current efforts have been lacking then a consult could be beneficial to achieve the results you deserve.  Sports and general nutrition consults available as well.

Vision and mission

Protouch uses a variety of tools to help people get the results they are striving for:

Microcurrent at ProTouch Rehabilitation

Was 350lbs

Now 204lbs

Now 204lbs